It’s Never Too Late for Older Adults to Lose Weight

By Jennifer Scott of

You’re not as young as you once were, but that’s no reason to resign yourself to a life stuck on the couch. Sedentary lifestyles have been proven to negatively impact a person’s overall health, and can even bring on obesity and other health complications. Instead of believing you are too old to lose weight, make the choice to change your current situation and get back to feeling good about yourself. Here is some advice from Keto Kooking for losing weight and wellness.

Start Small

Beginning is always the hardest part of losing weight. You want results fast and are just ready to get this “diet thing” over with so you can go back to feeling good about yourself, but results don’t come easy. According to ZenBusiness, when you go too hard and fast, you run the risk of back to your old habits.

As the adage goes, it’s a marathon—not a sprint. Start small with your exercise. Go for 30-minute walks. Do daily stretching and aerobics from home in the evening before you go to bed. You shouldn’t have to go all out on a gym membership or punish yourself with hours-long routines. Start small and build up to where you want to be over time by letting your results motivate your intensity. By committing to making one small change each month, it will become a part of your routine.

Get Into a Routine

The idea of falling into a routine is a little more abstract than telling someone to go to the gym, or to start eating kale, which is why many weight-loss strategies fail to include this vital component. Routines introduce regularity into your life, which is crucial for you to methodically achieve your weight-loss goals. Grab yourself a daily planner and schedule out your weekly routine. Make note of what times you’ll be eating, working out and sleeping. By adopting your lifestyle to revolve around your weight loss, you’ll find it easier to keep progressing along your wellness journey.

Eat for Energy, Eat Light

Another important aspect of your weight loss are the foods that you choose to put into your body. As an older adult, there are a few challenges you have to face when it comes to digestion. Things can sometimes move a little slow, which is why you shouldn’t skip dairy products to ingest necessary probiotics to help move things along. Yogurt is an excellent, healthy snack that can help your body stay regular and efficiently digest foods. Focus on smaller portions and choose foods that give you a boost of energy to stay up and active throughout the day. In terms of which diet to choose, you may want to give keto a try and see if it works for you. Keto Kooking offers great advice and recipes to help you along the way.

Ditch the Scale

After the first few days of diet and exercise, you may feel the need to hop on the scale and see how much weight you’ve lost. The problem with using scales to measure progress is that you often become blind to the other ways that weight loss is meant to affect your life.

When it comes to scales, people get so caught up in the numbers game that they forget to see how much better they feel when eating good food, going to bed on time and exercising regularly. If you only focus on the numbers, you won’t notice all the other ways you’ve been making progress, so instead of living by the scale, toss it out. More importantly, it’s not about what you read on the scale, it’s about how you feel. It’s the choices we make that define who we are and what kind of lives we lead. By choosing to live healthily, you are making your golden years shine a little brighter.

Image by janeb13 from Pixabay


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